Center for Advanced Management

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Shaul Oreg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Datum: Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022

Zeit: 10:30 Uhr – 12:00 Uhr

Ort: Raum 211B der Ludwigstraße 28 Vordergebäude

Titel: Organizations as reflections of their leaders’ personality


Organizations can be seen as reflections of their leaders. In my talk I will present research about proximal and distal manifestations of leader personality and some of the mechanisms through which leaders come to impact their followers and shape their organizations. I will focus on studies of leaders’ personal values and demonstrate relationships between these values and a variety of organizational attributes and outcomes. Data in the studies I will present come from leaders, followers, and in several cases additional sources, such as archival performance data and additional stakeholders.
