Prof. Petri Nokelainen (Tampere University)
Datum: 29. Juni 2022
Zeit: 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr
Ort: Raum 329, Ludwigstraße 28, Rückgebäude, 3. OG
Titel: Longitudinal study of arousal, emotional states, autonomy and competence during white-collar technology sector work activities
The presentation focuses on two Finnish large technology sector companies white-collar employees' arousal (stress), emotional states (e.g., Pekrun, 2006) and satisfaction of basic psychological needs (e.g., Ryan & Deci, 2000) during daily work activities. Psychophysiological electrodermal activity data were collected from 66 employees during approx. two-week measurement period via Moodmetric smart rings. During the measurement period, the participants self-reported the nature of the work tasks (e.g., individual or collaborative work situation) and related situation specific emotional states (positive/negative, activating/deactivating) and satisfaction of autonomy and competence via LearningTracker smartphone application. Data from 66 participants contained 999 work-related sequences during 333 days. The presentation presents results of how arousal levels, emotional states and satisfaction of autonomy and competence were related to different typical work activities. In addition, methodological issues related to longitudinal mixed-effects modeling will be discussed.